btw people, go catch the movie Sweeney Todd. The critics are right. It's bloody good.
1:58 AM}
Monday, January 14, 2008
For the NS guys who are currently or going to embark on their all expenses paid resort stay at a certain offshore island... Came across this while moulding the nation you all are defending :D
Boys in Jungle Green
These are our common boys in jungle green Upon whom we trust a role at home. For will and muscle to grow on bone, Young men will have to be brave men.
The parade ground is harsh bitumen And harder still the corporal’s lash. Hours drag like a sacrifice… Tomorrow is the same refrain.
Jungle, river, valley and hill The elemental lash of rain and sun. Despite blisters, cramps, faintings even, The mud on your face is soil, your soil.
Here you will dig a trench today So your neighbour will know You’re doing it for a tomorrow You shall greet a five each day.
Rooting green and steady Among the people sent That they may know, when we all plant Tomorrow grows on our tree.
So these our boys in jungle green Shall secure our home. Will and muscle shall grow on bone And young men be brave men.
Love, leeyang
1:47 PM}
&say again?
there can be no other.
&who we are
Fuji Fungg Hongwei Guo Bin Jay Jeriel Jianyang Jonathan Junhong Junhua Kar Weng Kenneth Lee Yang Lyly Olivia Paula Peiyu Ruiyi Shijia Shum Tracee Yeekai Ying Dan Yingtse Yvonne